
Detention (2012)
An apocalyptic fantasy, horror, science fiction, action- thriller, body swapping, time-traveling teen romantic comedy starring Josh Hutcherson, Dane Cook and Shanley Caswell, DETENTION follows the...

Devil (2010)
A group of people, including a formerly alcoholic homicide detective (Messina), trapped in an elevator discover that one of them is the devil. Written and produced by M. Night Shyamalan.

The Devil Inside (2012)
In 1989 Maria Rossi (Suzan Crowley) brutally murders three people. Twenty years later, her daughter, Isabella (Fernanda Andrade), seeks the truth about that terrible night. She travels to an Italian...

Devil's Due (2014)
After a mysterious, lost night on their honeymoon, a newlywed couple finds themselves dealing with an earlier-than-planned pregnancy. While recording everything for posterity, the husband begins to...

Devil's Workshop (2022)
In this chilling psychological thriller featuring Emile Hirsch (Into the Wild), struggling actor Clayton (Timothy Granaderos, “13 Reasons Why”) is desperate for a role as a demonologist. He contacts...

The Disappointments Room (2016)
In this psychological thriller from the director of Eagle Eye and Disturbia, Dana (Kate Beckinsale) and David (Mel Raido) move from Brooklyn to a once-grand southern mansion with their 5 year old son...

Disturbing Behavior (1998)
After the suicide of his older brother, Steve Clark (James Marsden) is uprooted by his parents and moved to the sunny enclave of Cradle Bay, where the teenage success rate soars above the norm. No...

Doctor Sleep (2019)
“Doctor Sleep” continues the story of Danny Torrance, 40 years after his terrifying stay at the Overlook Hotel in The Shining.  Ewan McGregor, Rebecca Ferguson and newcomer Kyliegh Curran star in...

Dog Soldiers (2002)
A group of soldiers dispatched to the Scottish Highlands on special training maneuvers face their biggest fears after they run into Captain Ryan – the only survivor of a Special Ops team that was...

Don't Be Afraid of The Dark (2011)
Sally Hurst (Bailee Madison), a lonely, withdrawn child, has just arrived in Rhode Island to live with her father Alex (Guy Pearce) and his new girlfriend Kim (Katie Holmes) at the 19th-century...

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