Book Club: The Next Chapter (2023)
The highly anticipated sequel follows our four best friends as they take their book club to Italy for the fun girls' trip they never had. When things go off the rails and secrets are revealed, their...
The highly anticipated sequel follows our four best friends as they take their book club to Italy for the fun girls' trip they never had. When things go off the rails and secrets are revealed, their...
The Book of Henry (2017)
Sometimes things are not always what they seem, especially in the small suburban town where the Carpenter family lives. Single suburban mother Susan Carpenter (Naomi Watts) works as a waitress at a...
Sometimes things are not always what they seem, especially in the small suburban town where the Carpenter family lives. Single suburban mother Susan Carpenter (Naomi Watts) works as a waitress at a...
The Book Thief (2013)
In 1938, young orphan Liesel (Sophie Nélisse) arrives at the home of her new foster parents, Hans (Geoffrey Rush) and Rosa (Emily Watson). When Hans, a kindly housepainter, learns that Liesel...
In 1938, young orphan Liesel (Sophie Nélisse) arrives at the home of her new foster parents, Hans (Geoffrey Rush) and Rosa (Emily Watson). When Hans, a kindly housepainter, learns that Liesel...
Booksmart (2019)
The story follows Dever and Feldstein's characters, two academic superstars and best friends who, on the eve of their high school graduation, suddenly realize that they should have worked less and...
The story follows Dever and Feldstein's characters, two academic superstars and best friends who, on the eve of their high school graduation, suddenly realize that they should have worked less and...
Born on The Fourth of July (1990)
Tom Cruise delivers a riveting and unforgettable portrayal of Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic in Oliver Stone's Academy Award®-winning masterpiece. Based on a true story, the acclaimed film follows the...
Tom Cruise delivers a riveting and unforgettable portrayal of Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic in Oliver Stone's Academy Award®-winning masterpiece. Based on a true story, the acclaimed film follows the...
Bounce (2000)
As a partner in LA's hippest advertising agency, Buddy Amaral (BEN AFFLECK) makes things happen. Fearlessly confident and wildly charming, his clients love him, and thanks to his killer good...
As a partner in LA's hippest advertising agency, Buddy Amaral (BEN AFFLECK) makes things happen. Fearlessly confident and wildly charming, his clients love him, and thanks to his killer good...
Boy Erased (2018)
“Boy Erased” tells the story of Jared (Hedges), the son of a Baptist pastor in a small American town, who is outed to his parents (Kidman and Crowe) at age 19. Jared is faced with an...
“Boy Erased” tells the story of Jared (Hedges), the son of a Baptist pastor in a small American town, who is outed to his parents (Kidman and Crowe) at age 19. Jared is faced with an...
The Boy Next Door (2015)
Jennifer Lopez leads the cast in The Boy Next Door, a psychological thriller that explores a forbidden attraction that goes much too far. Directed by Rob Cohen (The Fast and the Furious) and written...
Jennifer Lopez leads the cast in The Boy Next Door, a psychological thriller that explores a forbidden attraction that goes much too far. Directed by Rob Cohen (The Fast and the Furious) and written...
Breakdown (1997)
All roads lead to excitement with Kurt Russell in Breakdown, the non-stop thrill ride that's "a movie of nerve-frying intensity...Kurt Russell's best performance yet" (Rex Reed, New York Observer)....
All roads lead to excitement with Kurt Russell in Breakdown, the non-stop thrill ride that's "a movie of nerve-frying intensity...Kurt Russell's best performance yet" (Rex Reed, New York Observer)....
Breaking In (2018)
Next Mother’s Day, Gabrielle Union stars as a woman who will stop at nothing to rescue her two children being held hostage in a house designed with impenetrable security. No trap, no trick and...
Next Mother’s Day, Gabrielle Union stars as a woman who will stop at nothing to rescue her two children being held hostage in a house designed with impenetrable security. No trap, no trick and...
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